heart, we will forget him! (emily dickinson)

Heart, we will forget him!
You an I, tonight!
You may forget the warmth he gave,
I will fo
rget the light.

When you have done, pray tell me
That I my
thoughts may dim;
Haste! lest while you’re lagging.
I may remember him!

blah. anway, my brother and his girlfriend went to the pumpkin patch this afternoon. they invited me but since i felt the air quality was sooo bad, i opted not to go because i know it’d do my body harm inhaling ash from the fire happening around me. it’s been too damn hot around here because of the brush fires. hot and windy. 80 mph strong.

oh! it is love, it is love!!

how can you not fall in love with these two? I dont have a decent digital camera but i do have my phone. this was taken with it a few days ago while rico and bam hung out in front of my gigantic teddy bear whose name is big mike. (got it even before i met the ex).


next saturday is my sister’s graduation (masteral) dinner party and i am to do the cooking. oh yeah!!