oh! it is love, it is love!!

how can you not fall in love with these two? I dont have a decent digital camera but i do have my phone. this was taken with it a few days ago while rico and bam hung out in front of my gigantic teddy bear whose name is big mike. (got it even before i met the ex).


next saturday is my sister’s graduation (masteral) dinner party and i am to do the cooking. oh yeah!!

ridiculous stories about how ridiculously expensive gas is!

# Man makes woman fill his SUV with gas AP – Mon Jun 4, 8:16 PM ET

SALT LAKE CITY – A woman was held up during a fill-up. The woman was pumping gasoline Sunday morning when a man stuck something in her back, told her it was a gun and ordered her to start filling up his sport utility vehicle instead of her own car, said Salt Lake City police Detective Jared Wihongi.

details here